TEST – DON’T READ – Theme 2017: A Reporting of Events

THEORY: Sometime between 2010 and 2017, Multiple Universes began to intermingle with our own.

SOURCE: Document retrieved by Weeko P. with the help of Digital Archive Librarian Farley L. We were unable to get photographs of the actual document in question due to (understandable) heavy security, but Weeko P. was able to collect a photograph of the card that was required to retrieve the document and read it.




  • In October of 2016, local enforcement and by-law officers across Southern Ontario filed seemingly disparate reports describing minor disturbances. Eventually, local newspapers reported the incidents, though they never reached the secondary or primary markets.
  • The police reports caught the attention of Weeko P., a journalist for the Land of Two Lakes Gazette. Weeko wanted to confirm the identity of an individual described in the reports with the belief that it was an old friend. However, soon her attention turned to the facts of the incidents, where she discovered previously unreported parallels in the incidents:
    • Each incident took place in a different small community in the vicinity of Algonquin Provincial Park: Whitney, Dwight, Maynooth, Petawawa, and Minden.
    • Each incident began as a minor disturbance concerning a single individual
    • The individual was described as disoriented but did not seem intoxicated
    • In three of five incidents, the individual made bizarre statements to bystanders regarding the familiarity of their surroundings, but incorrectly identified inhabitants, businesses, street names, and other details.
    • In one of the other two, the individual was mute, stood mostly still and simply looked each bystander in the face
    • In the other, also mute, the individual showed a stronger awareness of his surroundings, though stopped to look at two fire hydrants, an old phone booth that was still standing, and a gate in front of a path, before taking the path into the woods.
    • The four individuals were brought to be given a psychiatric evaluation
    • All four slipped away from law enforcement and disappeared.
  • Weeko P. immediately interviewed residents to gather the names that had been misidentified in the town. Her research showed that there was no evidence of collusion or cover-up, and the individual was consistently incorrect, but came across as incredibly sincere.
  • In one of many unexplained moments during the incident, a woman made this claim during an interview:

"It's funny. He called my name and the name of my business. By that I mean... I used to dream of opening a bakery with my best friend who, like... (silence, looking up to the left, slightly smiling) as a joke, we used to call each other by each others names, you know? But she moved to Calgary... (long silence) So I sometimes would dream at night about taking her name, owning that bakery. That man... (silence, looking straight forward, eye to eye) and I nearly answered him, because the name he called out to me, to the bakery. I had never told anyone."

  • Weeko was called to Oro-Medonte to talk to Ruger, her friend, who is also a mutual friend of the individual whose identity Weeko had originally wanted to clarify.
  • Ruger had seen their mutual friend just two weeks earlier before the incidents had occurred. He reported that their friend was very well and did not show signs of distress, acting perfectly normal.
  • Later, the day before Weeko arrived,  and ten days after the incidents, Ruger had run into their friend while on a walk in the woods.
  • Ruger described him as acting strangely, wearing a face mask, carrying a sharp weapon, and giving a, quote "threatening as fuck" stare. Ruger says that their friend cocked his head slowly in confusion, and turned to walk deeper into the woods.
  • The friend did not respond to his name.
  • Weeko and Ruger began a thorough search to gather more facts, and stumbled across another bizarre coincidence: although the physical descriptions of the four individuals were similar to their friends, in three of four cases descriptions of their demeanour and character were drastically different. Where three of four were considered friendly, outgoing, and kind:
    • One had been "raving, ranting, and carrying a brush with a knife in it."
    • Another declared himself a Master of Time and "Ruler Over All." He also had a physical difference: duct tape on his face, forming eyebrows
    • The third had a strong sense of entitlement, demanded to be treated like "royalty," shrieked and seemed frightened when bystanders approached and carried a heavy blade. The description of the sword on record is "Very pink. Rose, almost."
  • The fourth individual - tall, antlered, wearing a suit, covered in bandages - matched the physical description of an acquaintance, but also its character and demeanour. Weeko P. decided that she would wait for more information before she considered discounting it as a mere coincidence.
  • Approximately one month after the initial incidents, with no new reports on any of the individuals, a Ranger in Algonquin Park filed a report about a campsite with five people. Four perfectly matched the descriptions of the individuals in question. The fifth was described as a businessman, new to the region, who had tried to buy a local summer camp just months earlier.
  • The Ranger was shown all the proper documentation for their trip and was satisfied.
  • The report from the Park Ranger is the last anyone has heard from or seen the four individuals.
  • The businessman has put his holdings in the trust of a shell company operating out of Delaware. Weeko was unable to find any more details.
  • No one has seen their mutual friend or their acquaintance (whose character remained the same unlike the others) since the incident.


  • The document in question is a newspaper article written by Weeko P. and published in the Land of Two Lakes Gazette on November 9th, 2016.
  • It describes in full detail incidents that we have confirmed, using both alternate sources and eyewitness accounts, including law enforcement testimony.
  • Weeko P., called in later for further discussion, could not have reported the incidents as she had been bedridden from the time the first incident occurred on October 2nd, 2016 to the last known sighting on November 10th, 2016.
  • Weeko P., from Lake of Two Rivers, is an artist and sculptor. She has never taken a course in journalism and never has had the interest.
  • Land of Two Lakes does not exist in Ontario, Canada.
  • Lake of Two Rivers does not have a newspaper. The closest newspaper that is still pressed comes from Huntsville.
  • It is not the Huntsville Gazette. It is the Huntsville Forester.
  • The paper in question came to Weeko P's attention when a confused and concerned local enforcement officer came to ask Weeko if she had heard of the incidents, which she hadn't, having been ill.
  • Weeko P. was taken to a building in an area she did not recognize. Once inside, she was brought to an archive to sign out the newspaper article and what appeared to be her notes, taken in a journalist's notebook. The notebook had been found near the paper in Dwight, ON.
  • Weeko (artist) has identified that it is her handwriting, but she has no recollection of taking the notes.
  • Using a FitBit that Weeko (artist) had been wearing while she was ill, the officer was able to construct an accurate timeline of her waking and sleeping habits.
  • The times that Weeko P. (artist) was deeply asleep for an extended period - generally between 8 and 12 hours - corresponded both to activity in Weeko P.'s (Journalist) notebook and witness accounts of her interviews with bystanders and law enforcement.
  • One long sleep, 16 hours and 42 minutes, corresponded to her (Journalist) visit with Ruger.
  • When questioned later, Ruger noted that Weeko (Journalist) had made a passing reference to writing for a newspaper. Interpreting it as a joke, as Weeko (artist) would never write for a newspaper, he laughed. At the time, he thought nothing her reaction, though in hindsight Ruger acknowledges that she had not reacted as though she was joking, nor that she was upset by his laughter. Ruger had interpreted the reaction as "friendly scorn," but now concludes that she was observing him and his reaction. Journalism was never brought up again, and instead, she framed all her discussions as concern for their mutual friend.
  • It is unknown why their mutual friend appears to be identical to both Weeko (Journalist) and Weeko (artist) however when encountered by Ruger; he bore no resemblance.
  • Upon further reflection after her visit to the archive, Weeko now realizes that she does not recognize the badge of the police office, nor any signage in the building. After investigating the badges, vehicles, uniforms and documents of all law enforcement withing 250 kilometres of Lake of Two Rivers, we have been unable to find any that match those worn by the law enforcement that night.

A note, assumed to be from Weeko (Journalist) to Weeko (Artist) is scribbled on the final page of the Reporter's notebook.

"...[illegible] feeling too sick from swapping us and your'e (sic) getting sicker by the day. Was hoping to meet but [torn page] this works. As best as I can tell, there are big plans, you won't believe this... they're going to throw {illegible] and it will be all over... I don't trust that...[writing ends]"

Until further notice, this summary is the last official record or the incidents.

Dated November 14th, 2016.