🍅 Howdy campers!
Ketchup Coyote’s my name, and newsletters are my game! A game, I mean, I don’t mean that they are a game, I have multiple games, and one of these games that I have is… you know what, not important! SCHEDULE IS UP!!!
Programming Schedule is Up!
Our 2023 programming schedule is finalized, and available on our website.
What You Need to Do:
To check out this year’s programming
Go to campferal.org/2023-programming-schedule
If you have any questions
Cabin Requests Opening!!
We’ll be sending out a form to all registered campers where you can let us know your preferences and make any requests for your cabin. We’ll be using all the info collected to create our cabin assignments for this year.
What You Need to Do:
If you are a solo camper
Watch your email inbox for our cabin request form, and fill it out when you get it!
If you have other people you would like to be in a cabin with
Please reach out and confirm with everyone you would like to have in your group, then pick one person from your group to fill out the request form for all of you together.
If you have any questions
Check out our FAQ for more info. If you still have questions feel free to send us an email.
Find Your Cabinmates!
Our new discord server has forums set up to help facilitate finding potential cabin roommates and ride shares. If you’d like to get to know other campers ahead of time, feel free to join.
What You Need to Do:
If you are not already in our discord server
You can join here: https://discord.gg/aBcun8YKz5
If you are a new camper
Drop in and introduce yourself!
If you are a veteran camper
Consider offering a ride or cabin space to a new camper.
So, I hope this newsletter allowed you all to … catch up on Feral! news!! Oh hey, if it’s called downward dog, does that mean that you’d normally find…cats up? Hah! I kill me!

P.S. Upper Management was telling me to be on the look out for tasks… well, they misspelted tasks but… I guess… if you see any task… tasqs, let me know???